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    If you can't find the right support, Healthwatch is here for you. In times of worry or stress, we can be there to find you the best place to go for help, whether it's how to make a complaint or where to go for extra support. Find out more in our video below.
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    We're here to find out matters to you and to help make sure your views shape the support you need.
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    Support for those looking for a care home in Sunderland
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    Find out where to start if you have a problem with an Adult and Children's Social Care Services.
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    Find out where to start if you have a problem with an NHS Service, e.g. GP practice, dental practice, pharmacy or optician service etc.
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    Tips, Tools and organisations that will help and support you with your complaint
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    Find out where to start if you have a problem with a mental health service.
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    Find out about our role, our plans and our people.
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    Terms and conditions
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    The Healthwatch Sunderland Star Awards are given in response to feedback from local people and organisations in Sunderland who have had a positive health and social care experience, and want to make sure the services and staff involved are rewarded. Here are our previous winners.
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    Youth Champions are young volunteers (aged 16-24), who help us to communicate with other young people in Sunderland, to find out what they think and to find out if services for young people are doing a good job.
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    Youth Champions help Healthwatch Sunderland by representing & spreading the word about Healthwatch Sunderland.
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    How your feedback is helping us to change health and social care
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    Here are some of the ways volunteering with Healthwatch Sunderland could help you.
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    Youthwatch Sunderland is open to anyone who wants to make a difference to their community and has an interest in the rights and wellbeing of young people.
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    If you are worried or concerned about anything, don't panic; there may be someone who can help you - it's just a question of knowing where to start. This section is an easy-to-use directory of support services providing contact details for just some of the helping organisations and resources available to you both nationally and in Sunderland.
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