Active Sunderland

Active Sunderland's aim is to develop an 'All together an Active Sunderland - a city where everyone is as active as they can be'.

They aim to get more people active in the community and work in partnership with a wide range of partners to improve access and pathways into sport and physical activity. They do this by:

  • impacting on the greatest number of people (children and adults)
  • enabling children and young people to have the best start in life and form good habits
  • supporting families and communities that are benefiting least from being active
  • providing access to all our infrastructure which includes, green and blue space, as well as sport and leisure facilities.

They also deliver a number of sport festivals, events and a weekly walking programme to inspire people to become more active.

Contact Information:

Change 4 Life Sunderland

The Change 4 Life Sunderland programme provides healthy lifestyle sessions aimed at encouraging and supporting young people aged 0-18 and their families to eat well, move more and live longer. Sessions take place online and in community venues across the city. You can also bring along siblings for family sessions, or a friend if participating in a teen programme.

The programme offers free 6 weekly interactive education and physical activity sessions which last for 1 ½ hours and take place in community venues across the city. You can also bring along siblings for family sessions, or a friend if participating in a teen programme.

Contact information:

0191 561 4691