Ruth Bell, Social Prescriber, Sunderland GP Alliance
Ruth Bell, Social Prescriber from the Sunderland GP Alliance received 2 nominations for her star award from people who she has supported and other great comments about her work. One person who nominated Ruth said;
“I appreciate everything Ruth has done for us if it wasn't for her I really don't know where we would be now.”
It was Anna and Wendy's great pleasure to present her award in front of her colleagues. Ruth said;
“Thank you for this award. I would like to accept it on behalf of the whole team. I am proud of the team and the great work that we do”.
We are absolutely thrilled that Ruth has been recognised as a Healthwatch Star, Ruth is a respected member of the team as well as the community, she is always 100% patient focused and passionate about the support she offers to her patients. She is an asset to the team and the people of Sunderland! Congratulations on receiving the recognition that you deserve Ruth