Simon has his dignity and comfort back thanks to our work

How we helped Simon get the support he needed
A young gentleman in a wheelchair looking at the camera

Through our engagement with a carers group at Sunderland Carers Centre some time ago, one attendee remembered to contact us when his son needed support.

David, who is a full-time carer for his son Simon got in touch to say that Simon is provided with incontinence pads from local NHS.  His supply had been changed a couple of years ago from one design which met Simon’s needs and his lifestyle to a cumbersome replacement. 

Before the change David described how the original style were comfortable for Simon to wear and easy for his parents to support him when needed, not just at home, but while Simon was enjoying being out and about in his local community and whilst travelling abroad, which he really enjoys.  David went on to say that the replacement items were less comfortable and more difficult to use for Simon and his carers and asked if there could be any way Healthwatch could step in to get this resolved.

We were happy to do this and set about finding out who would be the best person to contact.  This was done and we were able to put David in touch with a Community Matron and a member of her team.  Quickly, Simon was sent some samples of alternative incontinence aids to better suit his needs.

What difference did this make?

David later got back in touch to say; 

A big thank you for all your help. We took delivery for my son on Friday and the old unopened packets of the old design were collected at the same time.  We are now using the new ones, what a difference it has made, much smaller lighter and better fitting. 

Thank you again and your team member who helped in resolving our problem.”

We are delighted to be able to have supported Simon and his dad. To hear that his needs are now being met appropriately and that the change has already made a big difference to Simon is great news.  We hope he enjoys living his life to the full, being able to travel and spend time out and about with his family, confidently, in comfort and without inconvenience.