
Back on the map - Patient feedback 

Youthwatch has been setting up information stands during events such as the back on the map event. This information stand was set up to educate the young people on the importance of brushing their teeth.


Niall Quinn - Patient feedback 

Youthwatch has recently been working closely with the Niall Quinn children’s center to gather patient feedback on their services. This allows patients to have a voice and give honest feedback on their experience with the service. 

volunteers with face paint

Sara project

Youthwatch was kindly invited to the Sara project event in April where they had a feedback stand and colouring in competition for young people. In the competition young people gave feedback on various areas of health and social care such as their thoughts on their nurse. 

Sunderland university stall

Sunderland University careers fair

Early this year staff attended the Sunderland University careers fair to promote volunteering opportunities to students. Staff also successfully recruited volunteers from Bede College.

volunteer information stand

Sunderland University Careers and Volunteer Fair

Early in October 2022 volunteers and staff attended the Sunderland University Careers and Volunteer Fair to promote our Youthwatch opportunities to those students who visited.