Amputee patient support information
We were approached by Andrea Smith, following her experience of not being provided any relevant information following her amputation.
Andrea’s story and our work has impacted change that will mean no one going through an amputation will be without relevant information of support following a procedure.
Anna Gillingham, Project Lead of Healthwatch Sunderland, said:
“We worked collaboratively with other Healthwatch locations, including Healthwatch County Durham and Healthwatch South Tyneside to collate information on support available for people following an amputation.
“However, Andrea was the one that made all of this work happen, and through her own experience, inspired the creation of a signposting and information booklet.
“Sadly, before these booklets were completed and ready for distribution to patients, Andrea Smith passed away, so she didn’t get to see the result of the work. That’s why we would like to dedicate these booklets to Andrea for her commitment to supporting others who experience amputation and their carers.”
The booklets covers a range of local services, on areas which were highlighted by amputees, for future patients being discharged from Sunderland Royal Hospital.
Separate booklets were then developed for each of the locality areas, to cover a range of subjects like, where to go for benefits advice, healthier lifestyle and general wellbeing support.
Andrea’s story is what we are all about. Sharing your experience to ensure our local health and social care services are for the local people and their needs.
We would like to thank Andrea again for her dedication and support to making a difference for her community and in the region.
Want to see the documents?
You can access all three booklets by hitting the button below.