Youthwatch Mental health

A group of women sitting at a table talking

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When speaking to young people regarding mental health many informed us that they aren’t always aware of services that are available to support them or services available specifically for young people.

Therefore, it was decided to help share this information with young people and to increase awareness, a podcast series would be developed as a way of highlighting the range of services available and how young people can access them.  Youthwatch volunteer will be interviewing professionals from a range of locally available services and asking them a series of questions. Incorporated in these questions are those questions we have also gathered when speaking to young people across the city and asking them what they would like to find out if they had the opportunity to ‘Ask the expert’.

Many of the questions many young people wanted answers to included:

  • What is mental health?
  • What are the top tips for maintaining healthy mental health?
  • How to support a friend who has panic attacks?
  • Can you access services without parental consent?

To view the series please visit our YouTube page.