1. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    COVID-19 testing rules have now changed across England. Find out the latest information on where to go to get tested, which test is most suitable for you, and what to do if you get a positive COVID-19 test result.
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    The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our tips to looking after your wellbeing when self-isolating.
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    Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that anyone can develop, regardless of age, income and ethnicity. Take a look at some of the common signs of eating disorders and where to go for support if you need help.
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    The NHS sometimes uses jargon and acronyms that can be difficult to make sense of. We've found a selection of reliable resources that explain, in plain English, many of the terms that you may see used in NHS correspondence, online, or in the media.
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    The Accessible Information Standard is mandatory for all organisations that provide National Health Service (NHS) or adult social care. Here’s some key information about the accessible communications you should expect from services.
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    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
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    Do you know about your rights to language support in NHS settings?
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    Your quick guide to making the right health and care choices in Sunderland
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    Care homes offering day and holiday respite services in Sunderland
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    Confused about Long Covid? Find out the common symptoms and when to get support.
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    It’s easy to feel isolated and alone when struggling with Long Covid, but we are here to help to you find the support and treatment you need.
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    Here you will find information on what choices are available to NHS patients in the NHS Framework
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    The NHS wants to make it easier and safer for patients to get the right treatment when they need it, without waiting a long time to be seen in A&E. Find out what this means for you and your loved ones.
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    When you need specialist NHS support, like hospital tests or treatment, you often need a referral from your GP first. Find out what this includes and what to expect.
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    Not sure whether you’re eligible for a flu vaccine or how to get it? Read our frequently asked questions.
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    Helpful online resource for anyone looking for information or support affected by cancer
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    Macmillan have just released some excellent easy to understand videos
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    Are you an adult living in Northumberland or Tyne & Wear and identify as trans or non-binary, humankind can provide friendly and practical support.